Introducing our new project: CREATING IMPACT

Photo by Robert Catto, Milk Crate Theatre and Box of Bird's: SOLACE, 2023
CREATING IMPACT is a two-year project that brings Arts organisations together with funders and experts to co-design a shared Impact Framework to measure the social impact of creative practice. This project will be realised through 4 phases.
While Milk Crate Theatre are leading the project, Social Ventures Australia will bring their expertise to facilitate sessions and help inform the project.
Phase 1: State of the Sector (May-June, 2024)
Establish collaborative agreement on the project’s purpose, scope, timelines and key milestone.
Review of current tools/measures across the sector.
Interview funders to establish priorities and expectations.
The project group to be confirmed through this phase.
Phase 2: Co-Design
(August-November, 2024)
The project group will develop a sector Theory of Change and a shared framework including a shared set of universally agreed outcome measures.
Sessions also include up-skilling to ensure informed participation.
Funders participate in some sessions to provide insights.
Organisations are trained and ready for pilot.
Phase 3: Pilot Implementation
(Over 2025)
Organisations will implement the Framework with support from Milk Crate Theatre and Social Ventures Australia, measuring impact across their communities.
A tool or online platform (TBD) will be used to input, securely house and assess the data.
Phase 4: Data Analysis and Report
(Early-Mid 2026)
Social Ventures Australia will aggregate data to establish measures and work with the project group to craft a report sharing pilot results and broader recommendations on benchmarks, process, and tools.
For further information please email Milk Crate Theatre's, Impact Manager: